Yes It's A Mom Blog
Hey mama!

hey I'm
Mama. Blogger. Marketer.

It's important to me that I never lose this piece of myself. After all, its the part of me that has been around the longest, and I like her pretty well. As I add to my list of titles, it's my goal to never stop pursuing my personal goals, and to make the little girl that dreamt them up proud.
Ahhh...Andy! He offered this title to me at the young age of 20 and I excitedly accepted. After being together for 14 years (married for 11), I have so many stories and experiences to share that may be helpful to others that have this title, or for those of you that one day hope to.
Cameron and Emery are the two littles that afford me this title. I always knew I wanted to be a mother, but I had NO idea the joys (and trials) it would offer, and I know first hand how wonderful it is to have someone to talk to about it that genuinely understands, which is why I have started this blog.
I'm super passionate about being a wife and a mother, but I am also extremely proud of the career I'm charging for myself. I'm an Indiana University Alum, and currently work as a Business Integration Arch Analyst helping fortune 500 companies with their technology strategies.